Can Marijuana Concentrates Go Bad?

Many marijuana users wonder how long their concentrates will last. Everything has to come to an end at some point, but for concentrates, you might be wondering when that will happen and if it is worthwhile to stock up.

The idea of concentrates or weed that never go bad has been around for many years. Smokers like the idea of being able to use weed years after it was purchased. But even if you keep concentrates properly, its shelf life will likely only be around a year. But if you know what it means when a product is “smokable,” it is also essential to understand what is meant by going bad. 

About Nucleation

When it comes to the terpene retention and the flavour of your concentrate, the air is the enemy. Every product with terpenes in it will degrade when it is exposed to the atmosphere. Every time you can smell something, that means it is evaporating. But that does not mean you need to use up your concentrate all at once, however. 

Usually, most concentrates will retain their entire flavour for about four to eight months. That is especially true if the extraction process used hydrocarbons in it. To help it retain its freshness for longer, you should store it properly. 

Another factor that affects how a concentrate loses its terpenes is the way it was prepared. Oils and shatter are usually more stable, especially if it has gone through a winterization process. That additional step does not affect how much THC is in it. However, it might mean that the product does not retain as many terpenes. With winterized products, many users find that they offer a smoother experience, so your personal preference will determine the right type.

Winterization may help reduce changes in concentrates. However, whether or not it went through this process, many concentrates will have a sugar-like appearance over time. That process is known as nucleation, wherein the hash’s homogenized particles start to separate. The homogenized particles are the cannabinoids, lipids, and any contaminants. Many factors may hinder or contribute to this process, such as the number of lipids, temperature, and contaminants.

THCA and THC can naturally separate from each other. A manufacturer will induce this when they are preparing your concentrate. Then they will place the THCA back in the terpenes to create a sauce. 

But when your concentrate ages, the terpenes begin to congeal. That contributes to sugaring. Some cannabis users enjoy using their concentrates like this because they believe it gives the smoking experience more terpenes. But others believe it reduces the quality of the concentrate. No matter which you prefer, you can still use your concentrate after the nucleation process. It will still have fairly high levels of THC in it. 

About Aging Concentrates 

About Aging Concentrates 

The longer you have a concentrate, the more it will degrade, similarly to the bud. The THC can become CBN, which will give your concentrate a more rusty or amber colour. CBN may not give you a good experience in a large dose. But in smaller amounts, it may help you relax and fall asleep. 

For cannabis flowers, it was found that it will lose around 17 percent of its potency after a year at room temperature. Some users believe that from a hash preparation, as much as 50 percent of the THC can be lost. However, there is not much research that can determine if this is an accurate assessment or not. 

But once the THC has been crystalized, you should store it in an airtight container. It is vital to keep it always from any light, which can cause it to degrade. Using an opaque container is a good idea.

Keeping Live Resin

You can keep your resin for around a year without it degrading too heavily. However, once that time has passed, the concentrate moves into unchartered territory. The concentrate will not age as wine does. Only a few products made without solvents will get better with age. Even though it is older, you may still be able to consume it. 

If your concentrate is around two years old, it might still have about 66 percent of the potency. If it is three years old, it may retain 51 percent of its strength. While this is not necessarily ideal, you can still use it in a pinch. But remember that because the THC often becomes CBN, it can make this hit a very sleepy one.

Because THC vaporizes at a lower temperature than CBD, you can use an e-nail at the right temperature to possibly get around the problem. That way, you would only be vaporizing THC and none of the CBN. It would allow you to get the remaining cannabinoids from your concentrate.

However, lipids will accumulate in your concentrate. When nucleation occurs, the lipids can begin to solidify and form pale yellow or white clumps. If you vaporize them, they may be harmful when you inhale them. You should minimize this if you can. You need to have a few lipids for the terpenes to be useful, but you do not want to use large gobs. Luckily, if your concentrate has this problem, you can most likely spot it right away.

Keeping Live Resin

Closing Thoughts 

Usually, it is best only to buy what you will need for a few months. Try to avoid stocking up on these products. But if you want to store your concentrates for a long time, you may want to look for dewaxed or winterized concentrates. It’s crucial for you to minimize any exposure to air, heat, or light. Keeping it high up on a shelf in a cabinet can be a safe place to store the concentrate. 

In the end, every concentrate is better when it is fresh. That is especially true for preparations with a lot of terpenes and live resin. If you use the product within a few months of purchasing it, you can get the kind that you like best.

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