How Long do Shrooms Stay in Your System?

Written and Fact Checked by S. Zulfiqar

Shrooms, also known as psilocybin, are an extremely powerful and magic natural substance that can alter one’s body and mind. While many who are curious inquire what a shroom experience is like, the question at hand is often how long they stay in your system. While there is not a straightforward answer, there are a number of factors that contribute to determining the length of your shroom consumption. 

Whether you’re simply curious in the effective duration, or concerned about shrooms in your system for a drug screening, consider these factors for the ultimate shroom experience. 

How Do Shrooms React in Our Body? 

When shrooms are consumed and digested in our bodies, the chemical compounds go through an extensive reactive process in our bodies. This conversion process that happens within our body is known as dephosphorylation.  When the body removes an active phosphate group that is present in the metabolic system, the psilocybin activates and converts to psilocin. As it becomes activated, the psilocin now moves throughout the body until it has reached the brain and partially binds with serotonin receptors 5-HT2A. 

While this psilocin binds to these receptors, the concept of neuroplasticity beings to happen,  neurons in the brain begin to shift, reorganize, and grow. This process of neurons shifting happens so significantly within our body that some areas of the brain begin to spark and form new connections. Because there is still so much unknown about the transformative measures that happen when our bodies react to shrooms, the length of time these chemical properties stay in our system may differ. 

How Long Does a Shroom Trip Last? 

The effects felt from shrooms can be onset as well as gradually felt. Upon ingesting, psychedelic mushrooms tend to peak in effects within an hour to half an hour after consumption. The overall trip is averaged to last about six hours, although this varies as well due to a number of factors. 

The first feelings reportedly felt from shrooms involve waves of euphoria and giddiness, the world may seem more colorful and vivid as physical senses begin to increase. The deeper psychedelic features produced from shrooms often last between four to six hours, but the intensity of the trip and effects can vary based on: 

  • The potency of mushrooms: As usual, potency is a key factor in the intensity of effects felt and duration of your high. The levels of psychedelic compounds present in shrooms often determine how many active molecules will be in your body. 
  • How much you consume: The overall amount of shrooms consumed will certainly affect the length and intensity of your trip. The more that is ingested, the more the number of psychedelic compounds will circulate throughout your body, which can have a strong hold on the intensity of your psychedelic experience. 
  • Past psychedelic experiences: Similar to cannabis, your body gains a tolerance of the substance ingested over time. In this case, shrooms tolerance can easily be increased if taken multiple days in a row. This may result in reduced sensitivity and effective reaction to the shrooms if eaten consistently. 
  • How recently you’ve eaten food: Since you go through the digestive process with shrooms, eating them on an empty stomach will increase and intensify the effects felt. This also reduces the chance of nausea, a common side effect. 
  • Expectations: The common phrase, “set and setting,” is meant to keep in mind with shrooms. Going into a shroom experience with a positive and healthy mindset will allow you to fully enjoy the effects felt. This can also bring about a positive outcome and mindset after tripping. 

These factors are generally good tips to keep in mind when consuming shrooms and will help you further determine how long they stay in your system. 


How Long Do Shrooms Stay in your System? 

With the way shrooms are consumed, digested, and absorbed in the body, they can typically eliminate from your body within two days of consumption. However, its natural fungi form leaves a chance for shroom metabolites to be a byproduct that can stick in your system for months. 

There are over 100 magic mushrooms species known today, making it even more difficult in figuring out how long it remains in one’s system. The varying levels of psilocybin content in each shroom species make it difficult when determining the detection time in the body. Psilocybin is metabolized more quickly by some users more than others. One’s metabolic rate, tolerance, weight, and age are also strong indicators of how long it remains in the system. 

  • Age: People over 65 tend to have reduced blood flow to kidneys and liver, extended the excretion of psilocybin. 
  • Liver and Kidney function: Conditions or diseases related to the liver and kidneys also slow down this process. 
  • Body Mass: Those with higher body mass may excrete the chemicals from shrooms faster than those with lower body mass. 
  • Hydration: Nothing is more important than staying hydrated! This helps speed up the excretion process. 
  • Activity: Those who are physically active and with higher metabolic rates can expect a speedier excretion process. 

The more shrooms that were consumed at once, the longer the natural compounds and metabolites will remain in your system detected. 

Are Shrooms Detected in Drug Tests? 

The legality of shrooms remains in a gray area between Canada and the United States. Areas in North America softly lean towards decriminalization for possession and distribution, there is still much more in store for this classified Schedule 1 substance to become federally legal. 

The standard 5-panel drug test given by some employers doesn’t usually test for shrooms, but there are specific tests designed to detect these shroom metabolites. However, an increase in usage has created a greater demand for specialized psilocybin drug tests. Certain urine tests may detect amounts of mushroom metabolites within a few weeks after consumption. There are also hair follicle tests recently created to detect these metabolites up to three months after consumption. These two specific tests are not as commonly used but available when requiring strong evidence of use. 

While science and technology advance in the detection of psilocybin experts are discovering new therapeutic benefits and possibilities that can result from shroom consumption. Recent studies are showing the elevated progress of psilocybin alleviating mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and addiction. 


There is no definitive answer on how long psilocybin and psilocin stay in your system. There are several factors that can be considered in order to gain a general idea. Dosage, age, weight, metabolic rate, and physical activity are some of the many elements to take into consideration. 

No matter what, it is important to endure a shroom experience with an open mind, safely and calmly. And it is important to buy from a reliable online dispensary such as WeedSmart.

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A Beginner’s Guide to Magic Mushrooms, How to Take Psilocybin Magic Mushrooms, How to Get Weed Out of Your System


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