Guide to Cannabis

And as marijuana is resurfacing as a potent influence on cultural, social, and political scenarios the demand for cannabis in Canada is steadily increasing. However, the information disseminated out in the market is at best inconsistent, and mostly incomplete.

This guide will explain all you need to know about cannabis in Canada, its history, the legalities around it, the different cannabis types, and much more. After you’ve finished reading this guide, you will be more knowledgeable, up to date…everything you need to know. You will be a well-informed cannabis buyer.

What is Weed?

Weed is just another slang for cannabis aka marijuana. Other street names are pot, bud, herb, dope, boom, 420, Mary Jane, skunk, spliff, reefer, grass, plus 200 others. Marijuana is often used as a recreational psychoactive drug, certain medical conditions, as well as for religious and spiritual purposes.

Marijuana is a shredded, green-brown combination of dried flowers, stems, and leaves from the Cannabis sativa plant. A more potent form of marijuana, called hashish, looks like brown or black cakes. Then there is also sinsemilla, hash oil, and other stronger forms of cannabis.

What is Weed?

The dried and cured flowers of the female cannabis plants are the most common form of prepared cannabis. The plant’s flowering parts contain the highest amounts of terpenes and cannabinoids – the most sought-after compounds of the plant for both

medical and recreational use. There are so many ways to get cannabis ready for use. From the basic drying and curing method of marijuana flowers to the sophisticated synthesis of manufacturing cannabis concentrate.

Weed is just another slang for cannabis aka marijuana. Other street names are pot, bud, herb, dope, boom, 420, Mary Jane, skunk, spliff, reefer, grass, plus 200 others. Marijuana is often used as a recreational psychoactive drug, certain medical conditions, as well as for religious and spiritual purposes.

Marijuana is a shredded, green-brown combination of dried flowers, stems, and leaves from the Cannabis sativa plant. A more potent form of marijuana, called hashish, looks like brown or black cakes. Then there is also sinsemilla, hash oil, and other stronger forms of cannabis.

The dried and cured flowers of the female cannabis plants are the most common form of prepared cannabis. The plant’s flowering parts contain the highest amounts of terpenes and cannabinoids – the most sought-after compounds of the plant for both

medical and recreational use. There are so many ways to get cannabis ready for use. From the basic drying and curing method of marijuana flowers to the sophisticated synthesis of manufacturing cannabis concentrate.

Brief History of Cannabis

Cannabis has been used around the world for centuries from the places where primitive hunters and gatherers lived, to ancient China and Viking ships. Cannabis plants are also thought to have evolved in the Central Asian steppes, mainly in the regions Mongolia and southern Siberia. For the most part, it was widely used for medicine and spiritual purposes. The Vikings and medieval Germans, for example, used cannabis for relieving pain during childbirth and for toothaches.

First recorded use of cannabis as medicine by Emperor Shen Neng of China in 2,727 BCE. Germanic settlers brought the drug into Germany, and marijuana went from there to Britain during the 5th century with the Anglo-Saxon invasions.

Over the next centuries, cannabis migrated to different parts of the world, traveling through Africa, reaching South America in the 19th century, and then being transported northward, eventually to North America. Mexico emerged in the early 1900s as a major psychoactive strain cultivator, and cannabis wafted across the U.S. border.
It is evident that cannabis use has long been in its existence whether it is medicinal, recreational, or spiritual.

History of Cannabis in
Canada & Legalisation

First thought to be used for cultural, medical and textile purposes by the indigenous communities, cannabis was a cash crop for settlers long before Canada was officially a country. And so, it was somewhere between 1535 and 1541 when Jacques Cartier, a French explorer, observed wild hemp growing. But the first recorded experimental planting didn’t happen until 1606.

Timeline of Canada Cannabis


The marijuana was purposely planted in Nova Scotia, by Louis Hébert, a French botanist


As a representative of King Louis XIV, Jean-Talon was serious about growing cannabis in Quebec so he can send it back to France for textile exports


Britain took control of Canada and sent 2,000 bushels of cannabis seeds to farmers in Quebec to grow


Hemp industry continued to thrive


The new decade introduced fresh views towards cannabis use. The Ontario Court of Appeal ruled that the ban on cannabis was unconstitutional.


National polls show that a rising majority of Canadians agree with the assertion that “smoking marijuana should not be a crime.”


Protests to legalize marijuana started. To pro-cannabis users it was a dark, tumultuous period.


Industrial and recreational use of marijuana came to a stop. Cannabis was added to the Confidential Restricted List under the Narcotics Drug Act Amendment Bill following a reference to a “new drug” during a session of the House of Commons late on April 23, 1923.


Canada became the first country to decriminalize medicinal marijuana. The act was called the Marihuana Medical Access Regulations (MMAR). One of its details allows patients to possess dried flowers/buds with a government-issued license, signed off by a physician.


Canada decriminalizes and reduces penalties for possession for up to 15 grams to a civil fine. However, pressure from the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration quashed the bill.


Prime Minister Stephen Harper established new mandatory prison sentences for marijuana growers and dealers. Anyone convicted of growing 500 plants or more was given a minimum sentence of two years in jail. The maximum sentence was raised to 14 years, twice the previous maximum sentence of seven years imprisonment.


The MMAR gave way to the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations (MMPR). Physicians can now prescribe marijuana; the government does not require a license.


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pushed for the legalization of recreational marijuana (not just medical) nationwide. It was a victory for Canadian marijuana supporters.


On April 13, 2017, a bill to legalize cannabis by July 1, 2018, Bill C-45, was presented to parliament. The bill allows anyone aged 18 and older for possession of marijuana of up to 30 grams. However, legal sales provisions were not made, and the bill would permit provinces to further curtail possession, sale, and use.


On March 22, 2018, Bill C-45 was finally welcomed by the Government of Canada. This meant that recreational marijuana in Canada is legal nationwide.
Wherever you are in Canada, you can legally possess, use, and share 30 grams of cannabis (with other adults, of course). That is roughly 60 to 75 pre-rolled joints. Heads up, to date, almost every region in Canada has banned the smoking of both cigarettes and cannabis in indoor public areas, public transit facilities, and at workplaces where smoking could take place.

In Ontario, British Columbia, and Alberta, the marijuana law indicates that people may smoke marijuana where they can also smoke cigarettes. Halifax recently established 84 specified toker zones on municipal property throughout the Halifax region.

Canadians can cultivate up to four plants per household (except in Quebec and Manitoba, where household cultivation is banned), and can use legally obtained cannabis to produce personal edibles at home.

Proposed regulations by Health Canada released guidelines for commercially produced edibles, vape pens, concentrates, beverages, oral sprays with higher potencies, and tinctures. Specifics include:

  • Whether or not these are online cannabis products, it “must not be appealing to children” and must be presented in a simple and child-resistant package.
  • Alcohol should not be added to cannabis edibles or beverages. Vitamins and minerals are not allowed to be added either.
  • Edibles and drinks have restrictions on caffeine, while extracts should not contain caffeine or nicotine at all. Sugars, colours, or sweeteners cannot be added to extracts.
  • Buying cannabis edibles, beverages, and concentrates will be limited to 10 mg THC per box or bottle. Topicals and extracts will not exceed 1,000 mg of THC.
  • Cannabis topicals are restricted for use on skin, hair, and nails, containing cosmetic grade ingredients only. Likewise, topical cannabis cannot make any health claims or cosmetic claims.

If you are not certain whether you’d be fined, this list offers a straightforward job of breaking down which provinces you can smoke cannabis in public without being ticketed.

Why Canadian
Weed is Best

There are now over 560 licensed cannabis stores across Canada where you can buy cannabis and over half are in Alberta, the fourth largest province. More and more users as well as cannabis experts are continuing to explore the ever-growing legal bud options and telling their stories in an effort to help guide consumers as well as dissipating popular misconceptions about what’s exactly on the legal market.

So, what is the verdict on Canadian cannabis – Is it bust or gold? Here are a few reasons why Canada cannabis is coveted:

Why Canadian
Weed is Best

The dried and cured flowers of the female cannabis plants are the most common form of prepared cannabis. The plant’s flowering parts contain the highest amounts of terpenes and cannabinoids – the most sought-after compounds of the plant for both medical and recreational use. There are so many ways to get cannabis ready for use. From the basic drying and curing method of marijuana flowers to the sophisticated synthesis of manufacturing cannabis concentrate.

There are now over 560 licensed cannabis stores across Canada where you can buy cannabis and over half are in Alberta, the fourth largest province. More and more users as well as cannabis experts are continuing to explore the ever-growing legal bud options and telling their stories in an effort to help guide consumers as well as dissipating popular misconceptions about what’s exactly on the legal market.

So, what is the verdict on Canadian cannabis – Is it bust or gold? Here are a few reasons why Canada cannabis is coveted:

The dried and cured flowers of the female cannabis plants are the most common form of prepared cannabis. The plant’s flowering parts contain the highest amounts of terpenes and cannabinoids – the most sought-after compounds of the plant for both medical and recreational use. There are so many ways to get cannabis ready for use. From the basic drying and curing method of marijuana flowers to the sophisticated synthesis of manufacturing cannabis concentrate.


Canadian weather is stellar to growing cannabis. The cool falls make cannabis plants adaptable, while warm summer weather makes them grow tall. Bring in rich soil and rainfall and you have some potent pot.


Production quantity. Relaxed law enforcement, relative to other countries, plus weed lovers, have bred passionate growers to produce bigger quantities of best marijuana. The quality of cannabis just keeps getting stronger as more varieties of strains and cannabis products are being sold in the market.


Seed quality. Canada uses high-quality cannabis seeds. World-renowned weeds do not occur overnight; extremely good seeds need to be available, and these have been making the rounds in Canada for many, many years.

Anatomy of a
Cannabis Plant

You do not need to have a degree in botany to be able to understand the basics of the cannabis plant, from root to flower. But knowing the parts and their uses will deepen your appreciation for marijuana. The fine, fiery hairs, the little leaves, sugary crystals – it is all intriguing.

So, here’s a quick snapshot of the cannabis plant’s anatomy.

1 Male vs Female

Cannabis plants are dioecious flowering annuals, meaning there are male and female plants. The male plants make male flowers and pollen while female plants produce female flowers and seeds. Apart from their flowers, a marijuana plant’s anatomy differs little between male and female plants. Male plants are less cannabinoid-rich (less THC content, too!) compared to the female plant, the more superior sex. Although male plants are useful in the evolutionary role of the species and a great source of hemp fiber.

2 Terminal bud

This refers to the part of a female cannabis plant. It is also known as “cola”. This is where the plant’s flowers fuse together at the plant stem’s tip. This is the part that you smoke. The side colas can be found between the fan leaves, growing along the length of the cannabis plant.

3 Calyx or Bud

For the inexperienced, untrained eye, cannabis buds would look just like petals. The calyx is actually the bud. If you take a peek underneath the tiny leaves, you should be able to see tear-shaped knobs. These little nodules come in different shapes, colours, and sizes. The calyx, when fertilized, forms a protective pocket that allows the seed to develop inside.

4 Trichomes

These are beautifully translucent, microscopic resin glands that cover the flowers with their crystal-like splendor. Trichomes are also incredibly rich in cannabinoids and seep aromatic oils called terpenes.

5 Pistil

People would sometimes refer to pistils as “hairs” because they do look like fine, thin hairs growing out of each side of the calyx. These delicate hairs are initially white but would transform into red, orange, and brown. Only female cannabis plants have these pistils, and their responsibility is to catch pollen from the “male” plant.

6 Leaves

People would sometimes refer to pistils as “hairs” because they do look like fine, thin hairs growing out of each side of the calyx. These delicate hairs are initially white but would transform into red, orange, and brown. Only female cannabis plants have these pistils, and their responsibility is to catch pollen from the “male” plant.

Marijuana Types

Hearing debates about the different strains and different types of marijuana can be dizzying especially for a novice. Others are tall and slim, some are short and strong, and while others are smaller.

There are three main species and are recognized as Cannabis indica, Cannabis sativa, and Cannabis ruderalis. There are several subspecies or strains under each. They can be differentiated by their origin, growth patterns, and appearance. Most of the plants are a hybrid between sativa, indica, and ruderalis. Each has its own cannabinoid profile and therapeutic effect. Read on and know more about them.

1 Cannabis Indica

Indica strains do not grow very tall and are therefore more fitting to growing on a balcony or indoors. In general, Cannabis indica strains sprout between three to six feet tall. The plant is bushy in appearance with round healthy leaves. They originated in the Central Asian Hindu-Kush region. Their flowering period is relatively short: seven to nine weeks.

It is also said to be a more solid strain than Sativa in terms of its sedating effect. Hence, it’s a big favourite amongst stoners.

Therapeutic qualities:

  • Headache and migraine relief
  • Induces muscle relaxation
  • Muscle spasms
  • Insomnia

2 Cannabis Sativa

Sativa strains are probably the most widely recognized of the three species and is by far the largest of the crops. These plants tend to grow very tall and often reach a height of up to 15 feet. Its branches pointing upward and sparingly packed together. They grow in equatorial regions like India, Thailand, Nigeria, Mexico, and Colombia.

The flowering period generally takes quite a long time: between 9 and 12 weeks. Sativa is the strain you use if you prefer to be up and active during the day as it raises your energy levels and opens you up to new, creative, and fresh ideas.

Therapeutic qualities:

  • Depression
  • ADHD
  • Fatigue
  • Mood disorders

3 Cannabis Ruderalis

It is seldom that Cannabis ruderalis is being mentioned although it is one of the primary marijuana strains. Ruderalis has a short structure growing only 20 to 25 inches in height. This plant has thick foliage and is usually found thriving in cooler regions like Eastern Europe and Russia. This variety has low THC levels and therefore interest in cultivating it is low.

However, Cannabis ruderalis is used to produce autoflowers. It means that it is used as an additional source of genetic material to give certain breeds of potentially useful characteristics.

4 Photoperiod Strains

Photoperiod strains are cannabis plants that bloom indoors under an established protocol of 12-12 light-dark cycle to stimulate them to flower with longer dark phases.

Simply put, the plant needs 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness to trigger flowering as well as extend its flowering phase. Each cannabis strain reacts differently to this day/night protocol.

5 Hybrid Strains

As the demand for cannabis surges, so does experimentation with creating new strains. Much of the strains on the commercial market currently are hybrids-plants bred from many different cannabis strains to produce certain effects or characteristics.

Hybrid strains are man-made attempts at altering and “personalizing” plants with specific kinds of features. Hybrid’s goal is to inherit the best qualities of its parent plant.

What Are Cannabinoids?

Cannabinoids are organic chemical compounds present in varying amounts in the cannabis plant. The potency of the cannabinoid system in the human body is a direct product of the endocannabinoids which we produce naturally. Cannabis cannabinoids bind to the same cannabis receptors located throughout the human brain and body.

A variety of highly critical body functions are controlled by the human endocannabinoid system.

Some of which directly and significantly impact our ability to feel pain, our memory, our mood, and our appetite. It is the special characteristic of cannabis cannabinoids to be able to communicate with the human body exactly as it interacts with itself, making them such an ideal treatment for a whole host of human diseases.

Below are descriptions of the three most popular cannabinoids. These are THC, CBD, and CBN. Technically all three of these cannabinoids are regarded psychoactive; however, there is a clear distinction in the strength of each one’s “high” feelings.


THC stands for tetrahydrocannabinol which is the most popular of the cannabis compounds. THC activates the part of the brain that causes the release of dopamine. This simply means that THC influences cognition, mood, and behaviour and is the cause of the “high” we experience after the cannabis products have been ingested. The higher the THC level or dosage, the higher the high that you feel.


CBD is short for cannabidiol. CBD is one of many cannabinoids, or compounds produced uniquely by the cannabis family. Unlike THC, CBD is not psychoactive. It has no strong effect on cognitive brain activity and does not cause the marijuana-associated “high”. CBD relaxes you and alleviates anxiety and pain. CBD is known for relieving arthritis, migraines, epilepsy, schizophrenia, muscle, and joint pain.


CBN also means cannabinol and this has psychoactive properties although they are milder compared to THC. This cannabinoid comes from cannabigerolic acid and is created by an

oxidation process which also involves THC. CBN is something of a “sleeper” cannabinoid, it can cause feelings of grogginess. The compound is often used to reduce sinus-induced pressure and has been noted to promote deep sleep.

The Characteristics
of Weed

1The Flavours of Weed

Each plant that comes from marijuana seed has some unique qualities of taste, smell, and cannabinoids. Canada cannabis offers a broad array of options for cultivating different genetic varieties which can also have very unique consumption experiences.

Until not too many years ago, weed lovers only knew 3 types of marijuana flavours: fruity, earthy, and floral. Today, however, thanks to the experimentation of crossing genetic types, at least 48 flavours are being enjoyed.

There is the fruity scent, coffee aroma, cheese aroma, woody taste, the smell of jasmine, mint, pistachio, tabasco, lavender is among the flavours and aromas. Certain strains were created specifically for strains medical conditions such as anxiety, depression, or stress.

2The Smell of Weed

The smell of marijuana depends on the kind of strain it is and/or how mature it is. Immature plants tend to smell really mild, almost undetectable. The mature plants will have a stronger odour.

The weather can have an influence on the smell since heat intensifies the odour.

Before or after it’s smoked, marijuana has a heavy musky scent comparable to a skunk. It would also have herbal undertones. Marijuana in the bag will generally have a blend of several aromas such as woody, earthy, musky, citrus, floral, and/or pine notes.

Cannabis Effects

When marijuana is ingested or inhaled, the plant’s THC and other chemicals migrate from the lungs and are infused into the bloodstream, which rapidly spreads them all throughout the body into the brain. Almost immediately the person begins to experience the effects. Other

common effects, which can vary significantly among different individuals. Immediate effects include:

Some of which directly and significantly impact our ability to feel pain, our memory, our mood, and our appetite. It is the special characteristic of cannabis cannabinoids to be able to communicate with the human body exactly as it interacts with itself, making them such an ideal treatment for a whole host of human diseases.

Below are descriptions of the three most popular cannabinoids. These are THC, CBD, and CBN. Technically all three of these cannabinoids are regarded psychoactive; however, there is a clear distinction in the strength of each one’s “high” feelings.

  • Loss of inhibition
  • Spontaneous laughter
  • Altered vision
  • Altered perception of sound, colour, and other sensations
  • Anxiety
  • Relaxation
  • Increased appetite
  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Reduced balance and coordination

If weed is ingested in foods or beverages, these effects are somewhat slowed down because the drug must first pass through the digestive system. It usually takes 30 minutes to 1 hour before the effects are felt. Eating or drinking cannabis distributes less THC into the bloodstream than smoking it. People can unintentionally ingest more THC than they plan to, because of the delayed effects.

Medical Benefits
of Marijuana

Cannabis contains biologically active substances in its leaves, flowers, and buds and their extracts. The two most biologically active compounds in cannabis are THC and CBD. These chemicals impact the brain. Both substances can be extracted through short path distillation and then enhanced for use. There are certain health problems that medical cannabis can prove to be beneficial.

And Canadians have used medical marijuana for some time now. Some of its health uses are:

  • Chronic pain relief
  • Improves lung capacity
  • Weight loss
  • Diabetes prevention/ Stabilises blood sugar production
  • Improved blood circulation
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Treats depression and anxiety
  • ADHD/ADD therapy
  • Regulates seizures
  • Helps heal fractured bones
  • Glaucoma treatment
  • Stalls Alzheimer’s progression
  • Alleviates pain related to arthritis
  • Helps treat PTSD symptoms
  • Pain relief for multiple sclerosis
  • Treats inflammatory bowel diseases
  • Reduces tremors associated with Parkinson’s disease
  • Alcoholism

Different Levels of
Quality of Weed

The world of cannabis is rich with various types and new strain options. If you want to buy weed, you only want the best of the best – only top-shelf grade – but it could be a bit tricky especially if you’re a novice. This is where the marijuana grading system can help.

The cannabis industry offers a variety of different grading systems. In some parts of the world, this grading system can be very subjective (some might grade on an A-D scale). In Canada though, when it comes to cannabis grading systems, things are a bit better organized and trustworthy. The A-AAAA grading system is the one that is most extensively used and respected among knowledgeable cannabis experts. Being familiar with the system is extremely helpful when you order cannabis.

Here is a guide to the different qualities in Canada weed.

1 AAAAA Weed

This is the absolute top of the line, high-end weed you can find. It is also referred to as flame, dank, fire, or chronic. This weed grade strain will look super fresh, thick, and full of trichomes. The aroma is full-bodied and the taste can only be described as extraordinary. This premium grade comes with a hefty price, but its minimal side effects and high levels of THC make it worthwhile.

2 AAAA Weed (aka Quad Weed)

This is the top-shelf variety. It is highly pungent and strong in taste. Because it is a premium quality, ordering this weed is more expensive. All kinds of colourful hairs can be observed throughout the bud. Noticeable are plenty of crystals of strong, THC-packed trichomes as well. Needless to say, it is more potent.

3 AAA Weed (aka Triple A Weed)

This grade level is the start of high-quality weed. AAA Weed grade and above is what most Canada weed retailers have in their shops. Buds of this
grade-type would look healthy, thick, and colourful. Depending on the strain, the fine thin hairs should be purple, or yellow, or orange. The trichome crystals should also be more visible. This weed’s efficacy gives you an intense, potent high.

4 AA Weed

This grade is considered a decent, mid-range quality weed. Some might call it reggie weed or mids. This quality of marijuana will have the appearance of thin, brittle buds and a fair bit of stem content although it can still give you a good high.

5 A Weed

Generally, these are the low-quality buds that are not worth wasting extra money on. This kind of quality is referred to as dirt weed, ditch weed, or schwag. You are most likely to experience headaches and dizziness. However, many cannabis dispensaries offer decent quality A Weed.

What is Shake/Trim Weed?

Marijuana shake/trim originates in the same part of the weed plant as normal buds. Shake is part of the buds. They are the bits and pieces of the buds that have crumbled over time. This may be attributed to its handling. It can also be an accumulation of excess trimmings when the nugs are cut and shaped. Shake/trim weed can include any portion of the bud including its leaves and trichomes. And yes, the THC content is the same as that of any part of the flower.

How To Take Weed?

There are four main ways of ingesting marijuana: inhalation, oral, sublingual, and topical. Each method has specific characteristics that make it more or less preferable for certain consumers. Below is a quick rundown of the different methods.



– is the fastest route of delivery. Most of the cannabinoids are directly passed into the bloodstream so the effect is instantaneous.



– is another way of consuming weed. Edibles, tinctures, oils, and capsules fall under this category. The onset is slower but the high lasts longer than inhalation.



– is marijuana placed under the tongue. Examples are sublingual sprays, lozenges, tinctures, and dissolvable strips.



– is applied to the skin. These come in the form of lotion, oils, bath salts, salves. The cannabinoids enter the body through the skin and work for pain and inflammation reduction.


Understanding marijuana measurements is part of being a marijuana consumer. Marijuana in Canada is usually sold in five different measurements, whether you buy them in a dispensary or on the street.

Take note that all amounts use “ounce” as a baseline denominator.

  • Gram (1,000 milligrams)
  • Eighth (3.5 grams)
  • Quarter (7 grams)
  • Half (14 grams)
  • Ounce (28.35 grams)

A gram of weed is the smallest measurement that a marijuana dispensary can reasonably expect to sell. Depending on your tolerance level, a gram would be equivalent to two or three smoking sessions.


An eighth of weed also known as an “eight”. It will last up to a week with moderate to heavy users, and more to light users.


A quarter of a weed or quarter has the metric equal of 7 grams. A quarter of weed would last light users four weeks and two weeks for moderate users.


A half-ounce of weed is a go-to purchase for moderate weed users or for heavy smokers who would like a toke several times a day. It is ideal for those who would like to order a marijuana strain for longer than a couple of weeks.


An ounce of weed is not only the largest quantity dispensaries can sell to you; it is also the legal limit one can purchase in a single transaction. An ounce of cannabis could last for many weeks.

How To Grow Cannabis?

It is legal to grow recreational marijuana in Canada provided you grew them from seeds you legally bought. So, if you are thinking of growing a small pot of pot for personal use, it is not all that difficult. Here are the seven easy steps in growing your weed.

Step 1

Pick your location. You have to choose if you want to grow your weed indoors or outdoors. The latter is a less expensive option with nature doing a significant amount of work. With indoor growing, however, you have more control. Select the option that is best for you.

Step 2

Choose a grow light. Regardless if you opted to grow indoors or outdoors, you need to think about the light source. If it is a single plant, a place in your windowsill would be enough for the cannabis plant to thrive. Another option is LED lights. LEDs ensure that your plants do not receive too much light. They are also a good back up during rainy or cloudy days.

Step 4

Nutrients and mediums. You would need specific mediums and nutrients that will help your cannabis plant grow and thrive during the different stages of its development.

Step 5

Vegetative state. When your plant starts developing leaves, it means it has reached this state. During this stage, your plant would need more light as well as water. Adjust both accordingly.

Step 6

Flowering stage. Once flowers are formed, they will eventually produce buds. Cannabis plants are sensitive at this point. Watch out for signs of trouble such as browning of the leaves. This could mean problems with either lighting, nutrients, or watering.

Step 7

Harvesting. White, wispy hairs growing out of the buds signal that your plant is reaching in maturity. When these wisps change to amber, it means that it is ready for harvest. Just take a pair of scissors and clip the buds off from the branches and let them dry 4 to 5 days.

Drying, Curing and Storing Weed


your bud properly and evenly will help preserve its power, vibrancy, and colour. If dried poorly or unevenly, the buds may develop mould, burn unevenly, and lose fragrance or flavour. Hang-drying is the easiest and most effective way of ensuring that it dries evenly and at an optimum pace. Depending on the environmental situation, the initial drying procedure generally takes three to seven days.


is the final stage of the drying process which allows for a controlled breakdown of residual chlorophyll in the colas so that they are neither too moist nor too dry. To start curing your bud, place it in a glass jar for about four to eight weeks. Open the jar and air the buds every two to three days in the last two weeks of curing. The curing process should be gradual so that moisture and air are properly balanced. This will help conserve flavour and fragrance.


helps maintain the chemical composition of the buds. Incorrect storage can result in cannabinoid degradation, destruction of terpenes, and loss of trichomes when the bud is brittle. Likewise, if there is too much moisture, oxygen, or even UV, mould or fungus can develop. Cannabis should be kept in a cool, dark place, preferably at or just slightly below room temperature.

Different Types of
Cannabis Products

Now that we know all about cannabis, let’s talk about items that are made by using buds.


Cannabis Concentrates

First, there are cannabis concentrates. These byproducts of marijuana are made by extracting the THC and other beneficial compounds from the buds. This creates a highly potent form of cannabis and removes much of the unwanted plant material. This means less product needed to reach the desired effects and a cleaner smoke.

The main types of weed concentrate include:


Marijuana Edibles

Next, we have cannabis edibles. These are basically any food items that are infused with THC. Weed edibles are a favourite of many due to the advantage of being able to take your medicine and enjoy it too.

Also, pot edibles are ideal for those who are looking for an alternative to smoking or vaping. This is sure to keep your lungs nice and clean.


Weed Vapes

Next, we have weed vapes. These are those contraptions that you see around nowadays that are replacing smoking. The main benefit of cannabis vapes is that they require little to no prep work, and zero clean up time. This makes vaping one of the most convenient ways to take cannabis.

Weed vapes usually consist of 3 main parts: Vape Cartridges, Vape Pens, and the E-Juice.


CBD Products

For those who are looking to not get high, CBD products are perfect. CBD is non-psychoactive and does induce the intoxicating effects normally associated with a cannabis product.

The main types of CBD products include:

Best Place to Buy
Weed in Canada

Now that we know a little bit about what cannabis products are available, what is the best cannabis dispensary in Canada?

First, you need to decide whether to buy local or online. The advantage of local is that you can drive there and purchase right away. The downside is the prices are often much higher. Also, the cannabis selection is usually not as large as some online dispensaries. Also, online weed can be purchased 24/7 and can be delivered right to your door.

In addition, some cannabis stores are not accessible to many people in remote locations. The good news is that an online dispensary can reach you if Canada Post can. Many online dispensaries do weed delivery all across Canada.

For instance, is one of the leading marijuana dispensaries in Canada. They normally have about 100 different weed strains to choose from. WeedSmart also offers great deals and has promotions going on all the time. They offer frequent discounts on their already low prices. In addition, Weed Smart gives free gifts and has a generous loyalty points program.

Also, they offer a price matching option and guaranteed delivery. On top of that, Weed Smart offers free shipping on orders over $99.

Make Weed Smart your go to online dispensary Canada and come see why so many customers are raving about it. And stay, learn, and keep up to date with our resources in our news/education section
