4 Canadian Cannabis Strains to Help You Stay Productive This Spring

Whether you are working in an office or from home, staying productive can be a challenge. Nicer weather can leave you itching to get outside and make it challenging to stay on task and focus on what is in front of you.

Then, on weekends, you may find yourself ready to go for a walk in the sunshine rather than focus on your to-do list.

Thankfully, some cannabis strains are known to help you stay productive, focused, and energized.

Let’s take a look at what you should look for when choosing a strain to boost your productivity. Plus, below are four strains to help you get started.

What Makes Up an Energizing and Productive Strain?

There are thousands of cannabis strains on the market today. Each strain is made up of different compounds, has its own terpene profile, and has different THC and CBD content. All these different combinations are what give each cannabis strain its unique effects, taste, and aroma.

So, how do you know what strains to try to help boost your productivity this spring? There are a few different factors you can look at to help you narrow down your list.

First, the type of cannabis plant you choose can influence the effects you experience. Sativa cannabis plants are often associated with head highs as opposed to the body highs indica plants offer. Because of this, sativa and sativa-dominant plants are often thought to be more energizing, enhance creativity flow, and help improve focus. When searching for a strain to increase productivity, sativa and sativa-dominant hybrids may be the best place to start.

Next, look at the THC content the strain offers. Sativa plants often contain higher amounts of THC, which translates to a more potent high. This can lead to an energy boost for many users. Just be sure you don’t choose a plant that contains more THC than you can handle.

Then, look at reviews. Although your experience may differ slightly, reading reviews from other cannabis users who have tried a specific strain can provide you with an idea of the effects you’ll experience and whether or not they will lend themselves to increased productivity.

Finally, ask for recommendations. Budtenders, your online dispensary, and even friends can all offer suggestions on productivity-increasing strains they’ve tried. You can take their suggestions then do your research to see if that strain appeals to you.

What Makes Up an Energizing and Productive Strain?

4 Productivity Inducing Cannabis Strains to Try

As you start your search for the perfect productive cannabis strain, consider these four options:

  • Go. A sativa-dominant hybrid, Go is known for its high THC content (ranging from 20 percent to 25 percent) and its delicious scent and taste. Users will find this particular bud to offer both pepper, pine, and citrus smells and tastes. Effects are primarily cerebral, helping to uplift your mood and give you the boost you need to finish the day’s tasks.
  • Super Silver Haze. Another sativa, Super Silver Haze, is the child of Skunk, Northern Lights, and Haze. Users of this particular strain report feeling focused, euphoric, and energetic. Super Silver Haze has a slightly lower THC content compared to Go, coming in at around 18 percent.
  • Tangie. The child of California Orange and Skunk-1, Tangie offers a citrus scent and tastes perfect for springtime. While some users report this strain is a bit of a slow-creeper, it is well worth the wait. Tangie users often feel clear-headed, euphoric, and energetic, making it the perfect strain to get through your springtime to-do list at home and work.
  • Green Crack. Made from Skunk-1 and an unknown indica, Green Crack is known for its energizing effects and for giving users the ability to focus. The mental buzz this strain gives is known to last through the entire day, making it ideal for morning and daytime use. Green Crack also has a fruity flavour that many users enjoy. You may also see this particular strain listed as Green Cush as well.

Keep in mind that everyone’s body processes and reacts to cannabis differently. So, your experience with a strain may not be the same as someone else’s. Be sure to read strain reviews to get an idea of the types of effects these and other strains that are thought to increase productivity can offer.

More Ways to Boost Productivity With Cannabis Products

Cannabis flowers aren’t the only things that can help increase your productivity and energy levels this spring. Consider these other cannabis products:

  • CBD products. Although CBD is known for having a relaxing effect, many people have found that using lower doses of CBD can help increase energy and improve focus. With many CBD products like gummies, edibles, and oils on the market, you have many options on how to ingest CBD.
  • Cannabis coffee. Combining your favourite strain with your morning cannabis coffee can be a great way to start off your day without having to smoke anything. Just be sure the productive strain you choose has a taste that pairs well with your chosen coffee flavour.

Cannabis Strains and Productivity

Cannabis Strains and Productivity: A Summary

Cannabis strains are made up of many different compounds and terpene profiles, not to mention their differing CBD and THC levels. It’s this unique makeup that makes each strain distinct and provides users with different experiences.

If you are looking for a cannabis strain that can help you stay productive this spring, you have many options. A sativa or sativa-dominant strain may be the best place to start, thanks to this strain’s tendency to provide users with a head-high.

The type of cannabis flower you chose, along with its THC, CBD, and terpene profiles, can all determine how productive and energized a strain will make you feel. Remember, though, everyone reacts to each strain differently.

Before buying a strain you think may help you stay productive at work and at home, read online reviews from other users. These reviews will help you better understand the effects you can expect to experience from the strain.

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