Dabbing 101: How To Clean A Dab Rig in 3 Ways

Cannabis has become a popular drug for wellness and recreational purposes alike. What started with just smoking a joint has progressed to edibles and now concentrates or extracts. 

The proper tool for smoking cannabis concentrates is called a dab rig. The dab rig vaporizes the weed concentrate so the user can breathe in the smoke. Dabbing is an easy way to get a potent high, fast. 

However, with each use, your rig picks up buildup. This buildup would impact your dabbing experience significantly, which is why cleaning your dab rig is essential. If you are searching for an article to show you how to clean a dab rig, look no further.

The Rig’s Mechanism

The dab rig is a simple water pipe used for smoking weed concentrates. It is similar to a bong yet smaller. It works by heating the concentrate to vaporize it. Then, it filters the vapour through the water at the base of the pipe to allow the user to breathe in smoke through the mouthpiece.

Why Clean Your Dab Rig?

Over time, with each use of the rig, buildup accumulates on your rig, its nail, cap and other parts. The resin that builds up is called reclaim. Reclaim is easy to remove if you maintain your rig often, but it can be quite a task if you rarely clean your rig. 

It would be best to clean your rig often to prevent the reclaim from changing your concentrate’s flavour profile. You should also clean the gear to avoid harsh hits to your chest and lungs. Cleaning your rig often also helps to extend the longevity of your tool.

How to Clean A Dab Rig

Your best bet for keeping your dab rig in tip-top shape is to clean any reclaim immediately after each use. We know this can seem monotonous and take up your time but having a maintenance routine has its benefits. There are several ways to clean a dirty rig depending on the level of buildup and setup of your dab rig (including time on your hands). In addition, some of the cleaning techniques are more complex than others. 

Let’s show you how to clean a dab rig in three simple ways.

  • Hot Water

This method is relatively easy and is usually used for rigs with little reclaim buildup. It is also a great cleaning option for your dab rig if you often clean or after every use. 

All you need to do is bring a pot or kettle of water to boil. 

Hold your rig such that the nail is over the steam, and let it loosen up the grit. Next, fill up your rig with hot water, close off the nail and mouthpiece ends and shake well. As you discard the water, do it in one swift motion. Else, the floating oil will cling to the insides, and you would have to repeat the process. 

PS: This method is perfect for rigs with silicone nails as alcohol could degrade them. 


  • Isopropyl Alcohol And Sea Salt

When you’ve racked up quite some buildup, this is a better cleaning option. Isopropyl alcohol of 85% and above is perfect for this.

Bring some water to boil and set aside. Fill your dab rig with some isopropyl alcohol. Add a generous amount of sea salt to the alcohol. Shake thoroughly. Now, pour the hot water into the rig containing the alcohol-salt mix. Shake one more time, then pour out the mixture in one swift motion. Finally, rinse in cool, running water. 

You want to discard swiftly; you might find yourself repeating the process. Sea salt is preferred to table salt because it has coarse particles. These particles will cover a wider surface area. They are also abrasive enough to dislodge the accumulated resin.


  • Isopropyl Alcohol And Heat

You have been dabbing and getting lit but left your dab rig unclean after every use. Yes, this third cleaning option is definitely for those with extreme levels of buildup. 

Pour about four fluid ounces of isopropyl alcohol into a bowl and heat gently. Heat for 15 seconds if you are using a microwave. We also recommend you use a microwave-safe bowl. However, it would be best if you were super careful when using the microwave. The alcohol could explode if it gets too hot.

Transfer the hot isopropyl alcohol into your dab rig carefully. Sway the liquid about, making sure it touches all corners. For a deeper clean, add some sea salt. Continue to sway the mixture, then discard it. You may have to do this twice. Finally, rinse out your dab rig with cool water. 

Bonus: A crude yet efficient way to clean a dab rig with little buildup is to burn the nail gently. You can do this with the aid of a stovetop or blowtorch. First, burn off the resin till there’s nothing left, then wipe it down with warm water. 


As mentioned above, it is essential to clean your dab rig often for a pleasant dabbing experience. Even though we advise that you do this after each use, cleaning a dirty rig is quite simple. It shouldn’t take you more than 30 minutes. You can also use the cleaning methods listed above to clean bongs, bowls, pipes, etc. 

There are concerns about the effects of dabbing. It would be best if you considered consuming cannabis concentrates with caution. We recommend you start small and slow, stay hydrated in a safe environment and have a friend over. Hopefully, this article on how to clean a dab rig will help you maintain your gear. And buy cannabis concentrates online in Canada from a reliable online dispensary like WeedSmart or get same-day Weed Delivery in Burnaby and Vancouver.

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