Review: Mota Edibles

There are many different ways to consume cannabis now. And while some users may prefer to stick to the tried and tested methods of smoking and vaping, cannabis edibles are an awesome alternative. Edibles are renowned for giving you one of the most potent and long-lasting highs you can get. Unlike smoking cannabis flower, edibles take a couple of hours to kick in but can last for hours on end- even up to 12 hours or more! There are many brands which offer a range of tasty marijuana edibles, but Mota Edibles is one of the best.

Mota is a cannabis brand operating straight out of Vancouver Island. They make a range of high-quality marijuana products, from strains and concentrates to topicals. However, their edibles are particularly popular thanks to their great taste and strong effects. They offer a great range of products to suit every user. Whether you want the recreational effects of edibles or just a strong, medicinal snack, there’s something for everyone. Here’s a review on some of the best Mota Edibles.

Mota Blue Sour Raspberry Gummies

If you love sour gummies, these Blue Raspberry sour edibles are perfect for you. Each gummy is full of flavor, and will also give you some incredible effects. These are indica gummies, so you’ll feel relaxed, euphoric, and stress-free. They’ll lead you into a dreamy and sedating high that will take away any pain or stress and leave you happy and very high.

Not only do these gummies give you the powerful recreational effects of THC, but they also contain CBD. This means that they’ll get you nice and high without triggering too much anxiety or paranoia. They’ll also give you tons of medical benefits. They can help treat chronic pain, depression, and insomnia, amongst many other symptoms.

Each pack 100mg of indica THC and 20mg of CBD. At just $16, you can get tons of use out of these and they’re cheap enough to order multiple if you want more. Alternatively, you can also try out the Mota Wigglers Indica Gummies or Mota Cola Gummies for some other great cannabis candies that mimic your favorite childhood treats.

Mota Sour Watermelon Gummies

Mota Sour Watermelon Gummies

These Mota Sour Watermelon Gummies are another fantastic option when it comes to cannabis edibles. They’re packed with the delicious flavor of watermelon and give you a sour sativa kick. Unlike the indica gummies, these will give you a stimulating mental boost. You’ll feel energized, motivated, and creative. It’s a strong high that’ll enhance any activity with the fun cerebral effects.

These delicious sativa gummies are also good for medical use. They can help with anxiety, stress, insomnia, pain, appetite, inflammation, and nausea. The uplifting sativa effects are especially useful as a mood-booster for those with symptoms of depression.

Each pack of these contains 100mg of THC and 20mg of CBD, so you get a nice balance of recreational and medical effects. Each pack is only $15 and each gummy will get you high for a very long time, so these give you tons of value for your money.

Mota Chocolate Bars

While many edibles take the form of gummies, those who prefer something a little different will love the Mota Milk Chocolate Bar. It comes in three flavors- Almond, Milk Chocolate, and Toffee. Each of these bars contains 300mg of THC, split into six squares. These will give you a very potent high, as well as relief for pain, insomnia, stress, anxiety, appetite loss, and nausea.

If you prefer something with a richer flavor, you could also try the Mota Dark Chocolate Bar. You can enjoy the great taste of dark chocolate as well as the strong, long-lasting THC effects. This also comes in raspberry and mint flavors.

You can also check out the Mota Cookies and Cream Chocolate Bar. With white chocolate and chocolate cookie pieces inside, this is a delicious snack that’s also packed with 300mg of THC. Each of these bars cost $28, but with so much THC, you can split them into smaller servings to make them last a long time.

Mota Dried Mango

For health-conscious users who want the effects of cannabis edibles without eating sweets or chocolate, the Mota Dried Mango is an ideal product. Each pack is full of 125mg in dried mango pieces. These snacks are tasty, healthy, and will give you great effects to give you a fun euphoric high as well as medical relief for all kinds of symptoms.

Each pack is only $15, making these one of the best cheap edible products. Dried fruit is healthy enough in itself, but you’ll also get all of the health benefits of cannabis. These are another great-tasting cannabis edible product from Mota.

Mota Dried Mango

Mota Iced Tea Mix

You don’t just have to eat your edibles. You can also get drinks infused with THC. Take for example the Mota Iced Tea Mix. Mix this into some water and you can get plenty of servings of delicious iced tea with the effects of cannabis. Drinking this will help you relax and take away all of your pain and stress, as well as giving you various other health benefits.

Each packet of iced tea mix contains 150mg of THC and costs only $17. This can get you high plenty of times.

If you enjoy cannabis drinks, you can also try Mota Canna Cocoa. Like their iced tea mix, this hot cocoa mixture contains 150mg of THC at just $17 a packet. This makes it the perfect nighttime drink to enjoy the relaxing euphoria and sedating effects of THC.


Mota is one of the absolute best brands when it comes to edibles. They provide a range of great sweets, snacks, and even drinkable cannabis products. Whether you enjoy chocolate, gummies or dried fruit, there’s an ideal option for everyone. All of these edibles can give you a strong and enjoyable high along with powerful medical benefits. However, keep in mind that edibles are best for experienced users as opposed to beginners.

There are also plenty of other Mota Edibles and other edible products. You can view the full range of Edibles in our online shop. If you’re looking for an alternative to edibles, we also offer cannabis strains, concentrates, vapes, and CBD products.

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Debra Ash
Debra Ash
3 years ago

I have gout in hands and feet, looking for alternative for pain, but able to function

Taylor B
Taylor B
3 years ago

Spend 200$ on edibles… NONE were effective. My usual dose is 20-30mg at a time. I quadruple that dose and nothing… ate an entire bag of cola gummies in one sitting…. nothing

Kevin Crawford
Kevin Crawford
4 years ago

Please keep the guy hired that does your quality control, cuz after eating a peanut butter cup, I seen a dinosaur. I think that dude isn’t good at math, your stuff is awesome. Love you Mota

Kim Fawthorpe
Kim Fawthorpe
4 years ago

What do you recommend for insomnia and stress.

gerry cunningham
gerry cunningham
5 years ago

re: bruce banner/bulk exactly as advertised-sticky potent nugs with a smooth friends love it too.
