Strains for first time weed smokers

Now the recreational use of cannabis is legal in Canada, there are probably a lot of first-time users who are excited to try some and enjoy the benefits of this millenary plant. For these new users, it’s important that first they spot some differences. Step by step you’ll find out which one is the amount that your body tolerates and feel comfortable with.


Tetrahydrocannabinol (identified as THC) is one of at least 113 cannabinoids present in cannabis. THC is the principal psychoactive constituent of cannabis.

THC also has a lot of medical uses; is an active ingredient in Nabiximols, a specific extract of cannabis that was approved as a botanical drug in the United Kingdom in 2010 as a mouth spray for people with multiple sclerosis to alleviate neuropathic pain, spasticity, overactive bladder, and other symptoms.

On the other hand, Cannabidiol, aka CBD, does not have intoxicating effects like those caused by THC, and may have an opposing effect on disordered thinking and anxiety produced by THC.
The main goal is to identify the reactions in your body, so can know your limits and enjoy the right amount.

Indica or Sativa?

There are important differences between Indica and Sativa. These differences include height and stature, leaf size and structure, buds size and density, flowering time, odour, smoke and, of course, effects.

Indica tend to grow shorter and bushier than the sativa plants, they also tend to have wide, short leaves with short wide blades, whereas sativa strains have long leaves with thin long blades. The buds of indica strains tend to be wide, dense and bulky, while sativa strains are likely to be long, sausage shaped flowers.

The effects of sativa are well known for its cerebral high. Also, with sativa, some users can expect a more vivid and uplifting high, while indica is well known for its sedative effects which some prefer for night time use. Indica can produce a calming, soothing, and numbing experience in which can be used to relax or relieve pain. Both types are used as medical cannabis.

In terms of physical differences, indica plants are darker, shorter and bushier than sativas, which are tall and lean. A third species, Cannabis ruderalis, is rarely cultivated.

From sativa and indica, you can also find hybrids.

Recommended strains for beginners

Now that you identify the differences, and feel encouraged to try recreational cannabis, there are some strains that you should try.

In Canada, the female cannabis plant dried flowers are what are most often used by recreational users, they’re also known as “buds”.

1. Harlequin

This strain is best known for its high CBD content. It’s a hybrid of: Columbian Gold, Thai Sativa,  Nepali Indica and Swiss Sativa.

It has CBD levels between 10 and 15%.  Its genetics are mixed to produce a medical effect on users. This is one of the strains which can be used to fight epilepsy in adults due to its high CBD levels.  Its THC levels, while not high, are sufficient enough to fight pain and produce a gentle buzz.

Thinking about producing your own? Harlequin will flower and be ready for harvest in the middle of the month of October. Also remember that the rules for planting cannabis may vary between provinces.

2. Plushberry

Plushberry is labeled as an indica. It’s a cross between two modern hybrids: Black Cherry Soda and Space Queen; those new to cannabis may find Plushberry a little too sedative. It’s defined by some users as a stress killer because this strain is fairly fast-acting and produces a calm, upbeat experience overall.

One of the characteristics of this strain is its coloration. Plushberry plant can produce pink flowers.

This indica strain also have some medical uses: anorexia, anxiety, depression, headaches, insomnia, lack of appetite, migraines, pain, stress.

3. Pennywise


This hybrid is a cross between Jack the Ripper and Harlequin. It’s an indica dominant strain.

This strain has a close to 1:1 CBD to THC ratio. What does it mean? That probably it will get you buzzed without getting you too high.

Its medical users are people who sufferer: arthritis, PTSD, epilepsy, and cancer. It’s also recommended for its sedative effects.

4. Dancehall

Dancehall is a sativa hybrid. It comes from the mix between Juanita La Lagrimosa (a popular strain from Europe) and Kalijah. Its origin is registered in Jamaica in 2006, and its CBD ratio is up to 15.85%.

According to some users, the aroma is tropical and sweet. Also, some users get it for treating chronic pain, cramps, inflammation, and muscle spasms.

5. Aliens On Moonshine

Aliens On Moonshine

This is a CBD strain for beginners who don’t mind a little psychoactive effect. It’s an indica-dominant strain (80%) with THC levels around 8%, that is registered to emit a funky aroma that is a clashing of sour and sweet.

Its effects can assist with inflammation, irritability, and some physical discomfort.

Marijuana use in Canada

Still not sure about trying marijuana for the first time?, maybe this numbers can help you:

According to a recent survey, in Canada:

  • The average age of initiating cannabis use was 18.7 years. It happily agrees with the minimum age to try marijuana in some provinces: 19 years old.
  • The perception of benefits of cannabis have changed in the past years, about half of all respondents indicated that cannabis had a positive effect on a person’s mood (51%), creativity (45%), anxiety (50%), and sleep (49%).
  • The majority reported cannabis had no effect on work or studies (72%), home life or marriage (64%), physical mobility (63%), and physical health (60%).
  • Positive effects were reported more for mental health (55%), quality of life (55%), and friendships or social life (47%) compared to other aspects of life.
  • A little over half of these respondents reported using cannabis less than 3 days per month (55%), and 18% reported daily cannabis use.

What was the first strain you tried? How was it? Comment bellow!


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Irmgard Schafer
Irmgard Schafer
5 years ago

I am new to this. Do you supply rolling paper along with the product?
