Weed Edible Dosage

Written and Fact Checked by S. Zulfiqar

Edible forms of cannabis have gained huge notoriety for producing effective, safe, and long lasting effects. Alternatively, weed edibles can also easily be overdosed and over consumed, leaving a difficult and unpleasant feeling in some users. 

Use this article as a reference to understanding the proper dose amount for you, as well as what to look out for and what to do when over-consumed. 

One Size Does Not Fit All 

Just like many other factors of life, every person is composed of their own unique internal physiologic functions. There is a range of different effects and experiences that can result with each person who consumes cannabis edibles. As a result, cannabis is not simply a ‘one size fits all’ plant in terms of dosing and effects felt. The information listed about weed edible dosage should be considered generally, understanding that tolerance levels and different strains are among the many factors that contribute to finding the right edible dosage. 

Choosing the Right Edible Dose 

The multiple factors that play into the process of edible dosing can help users better understand the right amount for them to consume. Part of this is the fact that edibles are ingested and absorbed into our endocannabinoid system through our digestive tract when consumed. Because of this, the effects felt from edibles may feel different than traditional smoking and inhalation would produce. One’s metabolic rate, function and sensitivity of the endocannabinoid system, or even cannabis tolerance are all influenced into choosing the right edible dose. 

For example, many medical patients with a history of gastrointestinal or digestive conditions may require a higher dose of edibles in order to properly absorb the cannabinoids being consumed. Other users may choose this form of consumption due to the risks of health from smoking. No matter your personal reasoning, considering the wide range of factors involved in weed edible dosage will help you make the right call for your personal cannabis experience. 

Weed Edibles Dosage 2


How Many Edibles Should I Eat? 

Your tolerance, body chemistry, and the experience aimed in your cannabis session should certainly be considered when determining the number of edibles to consume. Each edible product might vary in dosage, check the package to find more information on the contents in the edibles and to find the appropriate dosage for you. 

1-2.5 mg THC edibles 

  • Effects felt include mild relief to pain, stress, and anxiety; enhanced focus and creativity. 
  • This dose is ideal for first time consumers or regular consumers looking to microdose their cannabis. 

2.5-15 mg THC edibles 

  • Strong relief of pain and anxiety symptoms; impaired coordination and perception. 
  • This dose is the ultimate option for recreational use, with persistent symptoms that may not be as identified in smaller doses. 

30-50 mg THC edibles 

  •  Stronger euphoric effects, significantly impaired perception and coordination are some of the symptoms included. 
  • This dose is good for consumers with a high tolerance in THC, or those who don’t absorb cannabinoids through the digestive tract too well. 

50-100 mg THC edibles 

  • Side effects for this level of weed edible dosage may feel unpleasant in some users, this includes impaired vision and perception, nausea, pain, or increased heart rate. 
  • This dose of weed edibles is often only for experienced consumers with a high tolerance of THC, or patients living with medical conditions such as inflammatory disorders or cancer. 

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How Long Does it Take to Feel Edible Effects? 

Similar to the factors in finding the right weed edible dosage, these factors may help to determine how and when you will begin feeling effects. Edibles can take anywhere up to 30 minutes to 2 hours to fully feel effects. Luckily, understanding the effects expected to be felt and checking in with your body can be helpful signs in determining how long the edible will take for effects. 

One of the most common mistakes users face with edibles is when a person doesn’t feel effects in a certain amount of time and chooses to take more; undoubtedly as a result, both doses taken begin to kick in after a bit longer. This brings the risk of overconsumption in edibles, which is why it is crucial to wait up to two hours for edibles to take full effect before deciding to consume more. 

Help! I’ve Over Consumed Edibles 

If you have found yourself consuming an excessive amount of edibles or overwhelmed from the effects you’re feeling, the good news is you are not alone. This is a common fault in the world of weed edibles, and luckily there are a few convenient tips and tricks to help you alleviate these symptoms: 

  • Surround yourself in an environment that feels calm and safe to you. Having kind reassurance from a trusting friend or group of people can help remind you everything will be okay. 
  • Find an activity or action that makes you feel good and can help ease the worries or paranoia that may have emerged. 
  • Drink lots of water! Although they may feel an increase in heart rate and paranoia, most people do not need professional medical attention unless suffering prior from a serious medical condition. Remember, this too shall pass. 
  • Larger doses of CBD (between 50-200 mg with little to no traces of THC), can help counteract the effects of the THC consumed. Lemon oil or juice provides terpenes and elements that can reduce these intense feelings. 


The consumption of CBD when THC is present can greatly help reduce any symptoms felt from overconsumption. Products with a high balanced ratio of CBD:THC are known to be effectively therapeutic and produce less overwhelming impairment than high THC products would. CBD partially blocks the intoxicating effects given off from THC, so patients or consumers looking for a more balanced level of effects should consider products containing both of these cannabinoids. 

Final Thoughts 

Weed edibles are the ultimate option for a wide range of cannabis users. Whether you are seeking medical and pain relief, or simply looking for an alternative to smoking, weed edibles produce a full body high that may take users up to 2 hours to fully feel the effects. 

When exploring weed edibles, consider the elements that can personally alter your cannabis consumption experience. As practical and convenient as weed edibles can be, so is finding the right dosage to consume. 

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Big fat doggie
Big fat doggie
2 years ago

This seems to apply to indica edibles perfectly. I rarely eat indica or hyprid (aka unknown) because of some of the unpleasant side effects that you’ve listed here. But what about sativa? I find the effects of sativa are far different and far less unpleasant. I eat sativa every day and find only a raised heartbeat and I’m hyper if I eat a lot. I’d love to see an article on edible sativa and the difference.

Last edited 2 years ago by Big fat doggie