What is Cannabis and its Use and Sales

Known for its wide range of uses and enjoyable effects, cannabis is everywhere nowadays. Since it became legal in October 2018, adults all over Canada can now enjoy the drug for both recreational and medical purposes. Not only does cannabis give you some incredible effects for both your body and mind, but it also has a range of medical benefits which make it useful for symptoms such as pain, inflammation, anxiety, depression, stress, cancer, and many others.

Cannabis is the name of the plant species from which marijuana, CBD, and other such substances are extracted. However, the term is usually used to refer to the products which come from it. Cannabis is traditionally used in flower form. When dried and harvested, you can grind and smoke cannabis buds for a quick and easy high. However, you can now find cannabis in all kinds of different forms including oils, edibles, and topical products.

Many users are now familiar with cannabis and its many different forms. But with so many different products and new medical uses being found as time goes on, there’s a lot you might not know about it. Here’s a full guide to what is cannabis and its use and sales to help out.

What is Cannabis?

Cannabis is a species of plant which covers many different strains. Cannabis indica and cannabis sativa are the two main forms, although there are also other forms such as ruderalis. These plants contain many chemical compounds known as cannabinoids, along with other components such as terpenoids and flavonoids which, when consumed, give the body some powerful effects. Because of this, many people use cannabis products as both recreational and medical drugs.

Many growers and even regular users grow cannabis plants in order to cultivate and use the flowers they produce. You can dry and smoke or vape cannabis flower to get the potent euphoric effects of cannabis. The components of cannabis are also extracted for use in many innovative products which are now legally available across the country.

It’s incredibly popular due to its wide variety of uses and benefits. Some people use cannabis simply for a recreational high, whereas others use it as an interesting alternative treatment for various medical conditions and symptoms. It’s easy to buy and you can use it in various different ways, making it a very accessible and versatile product.

Differences Between Indica and Sativa Cannabis

Differences Between Indica and Sativa Cannabis

There are two main types of cannabis plants- cannabis indica and cannabis sativa. These plants have different attributes in their appearance and the way they grow. When they’re cultivated and consumed, indica and sativa cannabis strains also have different effects.

Indica strains are known for delivering more relaxing effects. They’re particularly good for users who want the physical benefits of cannabis, such as relief for pain and an incredibly relaxing body high. They also help significantly with sleep, migraines, and stress. They’re known as good nighttime strains as they can mellow you out and make you ready to sleep.

Sativa strains contrast significantly in their effects. They’re known for making users much more mentally stimulated and motivated. Sativa strains often give users more energy and make them physically and mentally more alert. They can also boost creativity and make you more happy and social. They’re particularly useful for improving your mood and counteracting symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Hybrid strains offer an alternative option. These are made by crossbreeding sativa and indica strains to create strains which have properties of both. Some hybrid strains lean more towards indica or sativa properties whereas some have an even balance of both. Hybrid strains are ideal for those who want well-balanced effects- they can both relax you physically and stimulate you mentally making them some of the most versatile strains out there.

The choice between these strains comes down to what kind of effects and benefits you want. Many users buy multiple strains to suit them at different times. Sativa strains often make for good morning or daytime strains to boost energy and creativity whereas indica strains are better for chilling out at night. Hybrid strains are often useful for all-day use.

Differences Between THC and CBD

Cannabis is made up of many different chemical compounds known as cannabinoids. However, the two most commonly known for their effects are THC and CBD. These are found in varying amounts in different strains and both are often extracted for use in other products.

THC is the sole psychoactive cannabinoid in cannabis. When consumed, THC makes you high, producing effects of happiness, euphoria, and deep physical relaxation. THC also has a variety of medical benefits and patients often use it in the form of products such as THC Oil.

CBD is non-psychoactive, but it’s commonly used in medical products. CBD has a wide range of medical benefits- studies show it can reduce pain, inflammation, anxiety, depression, and many other symptoms. Users sometimes choose CBD products when they want the medical benefits of cannabis but don’t want to get high.

Types of Cannabis Products

Types of Cannabis Products

When the term cannabis is used, it usually refers to the dried flower product obtained from cannabis plants. However, there are now many different types of products which come from cannabis available to users. Here are some of the most common types of cannabis products.

Flowers – Flower is often referred to as weed, bud or simply cannabis or marijuana. These dried herbs are cultivated from cannabis plants and used to get the powerful effects of the cannabinoids and terpenes within. You can smoke cannabis flower in a joint, blunt, bong or pipe for a quick and potent high. You can also use it in certain vape pens and vaporizers to create thick vapor to inhale for the effects.

Concentrates – You can also buy cannabis in a concentrated, high-THC form. Cannabis concentrates are made in various different ways- some by using solvents such as butane and others simply by taking the resin from cannabis and compressing it. Concentrates contain much higher levels of THC and give you a hard-hitting high. They’re usually used by vaping, although you can also add them to herbs to use in joints or even use a dab rig.

Edibles – Marijuana edibles offer a particularly potent and enjoyable way to use cannabis. When you consume cannabis in edible form, your body converts the THC into 11-hydroxy-THC. Not only do you get much stronger effects, but they last for much longer. Edibles usually take a couple of hours to kick in but they can last for around 6-12 hours in some cases.

Vape Products – The THC and CBD found in cannabis are often infused into vape-oils and vape juices. These can be applied to vaporizers in order to create smooth vapor you can inhale for fast-acting effects. Vaping reduces the harmful effects caused by smoking and can also produce a more potent high.

Uses of Cannabis

Cannabis has a wide range of effects and various different uses. It’s known for its psychoactive effects which many users enjoy for recreational purposes. However, many parts of the world also have medical cannabis programs due to the powerful medical benefits the substance can have on the body.

Recreational use of cannabis is popular in Canada. StatCan statistics from May 2019 found that around 5.3 million or 18% of Canadians aged 15 or older had used cannabis recently. The use of cannabis has grown since it became legal in 2018 and is likely to grow more as more stores open and use of marijuana becomes more widespread.

People enjoy the use of cannabis for its psychoactive effects, which can often make you feel euphoric, happy, giggly, stress-free, and relaxed. However, the effects also come in handy for medical use. The soothing body high of cannabis can help with pain and inflammation. The mentally-relieving effects are also useful for mood disorders and mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.

Medical Benefits of Cannabis

Medical Benefits of Cannabis

Cannabis also has a wide range of medical uses. Thanks to THC, CBD, and the various other cannabinoids and terpenes in cannabis, it has various positive effects on the body and mind. Various studies have shown that marijuana can help with certain medical conditions and symptoms.

One of the most common medical uses of cannabis is for pain and inflammation. Research shows that various chronic pain patients find that medical cannabis reduces their pain and improves their quality of life. Studies also show that CBD reduces pain and inflammation in a variety of conditions including peripheral neuropathic pain, rheumatoid arthritis, and cancer pain. It can also help with general injuries, strains, aches, and issues such as migraines.

Cannabis is also known for promoting positive moods. It can instantly help users feel less stressed and more happy and uplifted. A 2018 study in the Journal of Affective Disorders found that cannabis could significantly reduce stress, depression, and anxiety for users. It only took two hits for users to feel the positive effects, and a 50% reduction in depression and a 58% reduction in anxiety and stress was found after use.

Marijuana also helps with glaucoma. Research shows that the THC in marijuana helps to significantly reduce intraocular eye pressure which contributes to glaucoma. This applies to all methods of use. It’s commonly used by glaucoma patients to manage symptoms and improve their quality of life.

It’s also become a common treatment for epilepsy. With epileptic seizures often being hard-to-treat, many report that medical marijuana helps manage symptoms. CBD is particularly helpful, and many patients find using CBD Oil beneficial for epilepsy. A clinical trial on using CBD for Dravet Syndrome found that patients significantly reduced seizures with CBD treatment. A clinical trial on Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome, another rare form of epilepsy, had similar results.

There are numerous other benefits. Many users find that marijuana improves their ability to sleep, boosts their appetite, reduces the risk of issues such as heart disease, and even fights against cancer. There is now a wide variety of cannabis products available designed specifically to help medical users. You can also consult with a doctor to determine whether cannabis or CBD can help you.

Where is Cannabis Sold

Marijuana and CBD products are now sold legally all over Canada. As long as you’re of legal age and adhere to provincial laws, you’re able to buy and use all kinds of cannabis products. Many provinces now have their own legal weed stores where you can directly buy cannabis and take it home. Some provinces are still in the process of opening up stores, however, users are also able to buy marijuana online anywhere in the country.

Online sales are available to consumers in every province and territory. You’re able to browse a wide range of products, check reviews, and order the cannabis products you want within a few clicks. Every order is sent out discreetly and packaged for freshness.

WeedSmart.ca offers high-quality cannabis available for delivery anywhere in Canada. You must be over 19 years of age to order, but you can order as much as you want and have it sent straight to your door. You can buy all kinds of products including cannabis flower, concentrates, edibles, and vape products.

Popular Cannabis Products

Popular Cannabis Products

If you’re planning to buy cannabis, it’s worth looking into the most popular products of all types. These are all available to buy online for countrywide delivery.

Some of the most popular cannabis strains include Raspberry Cough, Death Bubba, Grapefruit Haze, and Alice in Wonderland. These will suit users who want to either smoke or vape weed for the effects of THC and CBD.

Alternatively, you can try out some high-THC cannabis concentrates such as Budder, Hash, and Shatter. These are good for users who want a more potent cannabis high. You can also use Edibles– these deliver a superpowered high that lasts for much longer than other products. Edibles come in many forms, such as gummies, chocolate bars, and even beverages.


Cannabis refers to both the species of plant and the products which come from it. You might already be familiar with cannabis flower, also known as weed or bud. However, cannabis can also be used in a variety of different forms such as Oils, Edibles, and Concentrates. Cannabis is now legal for both recreational and medical use in Canada and adults across the country can buy it online.

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