5 Things to Remember When Dabbing Weed for the First Time

While cannabis use dates back to ancient times, the options for this plant have changed dramatically in modern society. Not only is pot legal for recreational use in Canada and 33 states within the U.S., but it’s also available in many different forms.

You can still buy marijuana to smoke or if preferred, vape. That includes all kinds of different types and blends of pot, each with a distinct flavor and effect. However, you can also make edibles using weed. That includes cannabis butter, snacks, candy, cakes, brownies, cookies, and more. If wanted, you can even incorporate it in main courses and side dishes. Then, there’s dabbing.

What Is Dabbing Weed?

Some people, particularly teenagers, have started to dab weed. This entails consuming a high concentration of tetrahydrocannabinol, which is the psychoactive chemical in pot. Although this has become increasingly more popular, it comes with risks. So, anyone who wants to dab weed needs to know what they’re doing. This is especially true when dabbing the first time.

Weed dabs get called by many names, including amber, shatter, budder, honeycomb, and wax. Regardless, they’re all highly concentrated. 

The problem is that some people who dab weed don’t do so responsibly. If not careful, this can cause several different issues. Compared to traditional cannabis, officials state that dab is, at a minimum, 80 percent more concentrated. For that reason, it creates effects four times that of smoking a normal joint.

Essential Things to Know

For anyone who’s never dabbed before, they need to first consider several key factors. 

1. Potential Explosion

When making dab, there’s always a risk of an explosion. The reason is that as part of the extraction process to get the oil from weed to make dab, people use butane. As a dangerous flammable, they need to know what they’re doing at all times.

For someone who’s never made dab or even used it, for that matter, this creates a significant risk. Although a full explosion might not occur, there’s still a chance of the individual or someone else getting seriously burned.

Possible Mental and Physical Health-related Problems

2. Possible Mental and Physical Health-related Problems

A dab contains anywhere from 80 percent to 90 percent tetrahydrocannabinol, which is a hallucinogenic compound. If someone wants to try dab for the first time, they should only do so if around trusted friends just in case things don’t go as planned.

Most importantly, a first-time user of dab should only use a very small amount. Considering its high potency level, they’ll experience an effect that’s substantially greater than traditional cannabis. Along with that, the effect will come on much faster. Dabbing too much weed, whether the first or 100th time, can lead to severe anxiety, psychosis, and paranoia.

The main reason people dab weed is that it produces a faster and more intense euphoria. As mentioned, this is a growing trend, especially among teenagers. However, people of all ages dab weed. Getting strong, fast, and long-acting effects of dab aren’t worth it when looking at the potential dangers of this practice.

3. Unplanned Chemical Exposure

Without any experience or much knowledge of dabbing weed, some people might not have a clue that this method of using marijuana could expose them to harmful chemicals. In the majority of cases, this happens when an individual gets dab from an unknown or untrusted source. 

Unfortunately, mixing other chemicals has become common practice for people who want to make quick money and don’t care what happens to the buyers. Although it occurs with conventional dab, it’s seen most often when people buy bogus or counterfeit pens or cartridges supposedly pre-filled with dab.

So, if someone wants to dab weed, they need to get it from a reputable source. Otherwise, they have no idea what they’re vaping. Even then, other risks exist. 

4. Tolerance to Standard Cannabis

Here’s another issue with dabbing weed. After trying it, most people feel hooked. So, they keep doing it. However, the more a person dabs, the more the body becomes tolerant to marijuana.

Now with a high tolerance to cannabis, the only way for an individual to get high is to keep dabbing. That’s because smoking or vaporizing pot or consuming edibles no longer suffices. As expected, that increases risks that already exist by dabbing weed.

For some first-time dabbers, their bodies become tolerant almost immediately. This happens because the dab saturates the cannabinoid receptors. That means the next hit isn’t as powerful. From that time forward, many individuals have a hard time reaching the same euphoric state as they did with their first toke.

Putting Others at Risk

5. Putting Others at Risk

While unintentional, a person dabbing weed could easily put other people at risk. For those who choose to make dab, not only is there a risk of them suffering burns but also valued friends and family members there at the time. Not only is this dangerous to human life, but one mishap could easily destroy a house or some other type of property.

The Final Word

These are all things that a first-time dabber should think about. Consider the potential for something to go wrong and see if it’s worth taking any chances.

Remember, many additional methods exist for enjoying cannabis. People can still roll joints, use vaporizers, and make edibles. It’s even possible to make marijuana-infused lotions, creams, salves, and gels. For those who like pot and the effects it produces, they should do things the right way, which is the safe way.

Keep in mind that many reputable sources sell concentrates and strong pot. So, buying from the right company will give an individual what they want minus the risks. They can even buy top-of-the-line vaporizers to achieve the most flavor and results. It all comes down to making smart decisions.

So, for anyone who’s thinking about using cannabis through dabbing, they should do a lot of research to see for themselves why sticking with more traditional methods makes the most sense. 

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